Episode 39: Embracing the New Normal with Julie Teague of Danone

On this episode of the Talent Acquisition Leaders podcast, host Ryan Dull speaks with Julie Teague, Senior Director and Head of Talent Acquisition at Danone North America, about what talent recruitment looks like in a post-Covid world.

The last two years have brought many profound changes to the way businesses operate. An increase in remote work availability, non-traditional workweeks, and expanded employee benefits all contribute to the formation of new expectations that employees now have of the companies they work for.

These expectations have an enormous impact on the way talent recruitment is conducted. Finding people with the appropriate work environment flexibility, and being willing to be flexible yourself, is a new challenge facing talent acquisition leaders. While some businesses are trying to return to pre-pandemic standards, Julie thinks the future of recruitment is in embracing a new normal.

To her, these challenges are opportunities in disguise to revolutionize the way TA is conducted, creating more effective teams by catering to the new needs of her employees. As companies grapple with the way workplace culture is evolving, Julie thinks success lies in recruiting according to that culture, not dragging culture backward to maintain prior recruiting standards.

This episode is brought to you by SageMark HR.

Sagemark HR can help you:

✔ Improve your talent practices and make better, more informed people decisions.

After 20+ years of experience leading Recruiting and Talent Acquisition across a wide variety of industries, I've seen enough hires (over 100,000 to date) to know that hiring decisions truly can make or break an organization.

✔ Identify opportunities to not only improve your talent practices, but also deliver tangible business results.

We understand every organization is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all magic solution. So we listen first and identify the gaps and sticking points in your current process before ever recommending a solution.

✔ Bridge the gap from “traditional” to modern recruiting, without the painful learning curve.

We believe recruiting, talent, and HR technology is a deep well of untapped business potential, and our mission is to help you identify and implement those hiring tools in a way that works for you.

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Episode 40: Leveraging Every Asset with Kerry Karle at DISH Network


Episode 38: Expanding the role of TA with Michael McMillan of Stryker